Saturday, January 8, 2011

Days go by...

It has been so long since I posted.
I've been thinking alot about my old blog and that I miss just being...well...cathartic. It's weird. Like you want people to read but at the same not?!?!?!
Life has changed so much.
I bought a house. I'm back in school. I'm happy at work. I have incredibly strong relationships with my family and...
I'm so unbelievably crazy in love with the Ginger. Never, ever, did I think that I could be this happy. He believes in me and loves me for who I am. He brings out the best in me and carefully, with kid gloves, handles my neuroses. He's asked me to be his forever and I have never been so honored. He is warm, giving, funny, and thinks of others before himself. He has all of the characteristics that I have valued in upstanding men: he will make an amazing father. I can't wait for our time.
The big day is May 28...well THE BIG DAY is May 27....ish. We're going to the courthouse (whew!) and then having a party on May 28 to celebrate our happiness with friends and family. In preparation, I'm back on Weight Watchers. Watch out, J Hud. LOL!
I'm feeling good. I've been using the program to keep track of weight loss/gain (well, it's only been a week!) but I'v also been way more aware of my food allergies and needless to say...I've felt like a million bucks. Who would hav thougth that actually listening to your doctor tell you that you need to take care of your allergies was legit!?!? Apparently, I confused my teaching degree with a medical one.
So life is good.
I'm so happy, loved...and so aware of the love that's around me.
Too gushy?
But it's me. Right now. Loves it.

And on the playlist ('s back!)
Left of Center- Suzanne Vega
Africa- Straight No Chaser
Something You Got- Harry Connick Jr

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