Tuesday, December 16, 2008

And they let you teach?

Today I embarked on the week long process of teaching the holidays. To teach one, you have to teach them all. So, we cover, Christmas, Hanukkah, Diwali, Eid, Winter Solstice, Chinese New Year and Kwanzaa. I started off with Christmas today. I found a video that showed the history and how it is celebrated around the world. God forbid MCPS allow us to incorporate a little kid-like fun into the curriculum so we have to do our best to work it in. I chose to use it as a Write to Inform (one of our grading points this quarter) activity. So, after the kids watched the video, we talked about connections, and shared with a partner. A couple of my kids don't celebrate Christmas... 2 for religious reasons and a few others who are new to the country and probably think Americans are nuts.
I realized what a massive failure this "lesson" was...and I use the term lesson loosely here. After looking over their writing I saw two kids that totally missed the boat and a few others that were a bit confused.
In the missing the boat column comes 2 noteworthy writing samples. One started with "Christmas is a holiday celebrated by Jewish people." Yes, this was completely factually inaccurate, but the topic (or hook sentence as I call it) was awesome. And then another student actually wrote a letter to Santa. I asked this student about his writing......I said, "Did you tell me everything you know about this holiday?" He thought for a minute and very carefully replied, "Santa come down da shimney."
Another student kept referring to the "Christmas necklaces." This is his first Christmas. I was trying to make sense of these necklaces that go on the "stairs and the tree of Christmas." Finally, after he drew me a picture (always the go-to strategy when you have no idea what an ESOL student is referring to).....I realized these necklaces were in fact......well...let's see what your best guess is. What do you hink the Christmas necklaces that hang on trees and stairs are?
I love my kids.
It's such a joy that they are eagerly awaiting the arrival of Santa. Last week, one little boy was really worried and perplexed. When I asked him why he finally unloaded his big worry....How will Santa get into an apartment?
After explaining that Santa wiggles his nose and doesn't always need a chimney, the day could continue as planned.
Although my last post was sort of self-loathing, I have to say, the cheer and excitement kids feel about Santa, and lights, and candy canes, and decorating cookies with my mom (oh yes, she's coming in) and making gingerbread houses (and by gingerbread houses, I mean graham cracker houses with milk cartons) makes the excitement contagious.

and for Tia....just so you know.... all of my kids will have something to open. If anything, they've renewed my faith in the fact that the holidays doesn't have to be about giving. I appreciate all you do for them. Tahirih is warm. :) That is because of you...

On a completely different note..
one of the funniest things about teaching second grade is when you're out. I was out yesterday...and there is always one question that they HAVE to know the answer to:
Did you throw up?
It always goes like this:
Kid: Miss Mutchler! You're back! (hug)
Me: I am back! And I missed you!
Kid: Were you sick?
Me: Yes, I was sick. But I feel so much better now!
Kid: Did you puke?

Every time....

Winter Wonderland-Harry Connick Jr. and daughter
Around This Corner-Sarah Harmer
Bell Bottom Blues- Eric Clapton
Girls Gone Wild- Ludacris

Saturday, December 13, 2008

It's the holiday season

So I finally finished shopping and wrapping presents.
I've recently been brought to this conclusion:
The story of Jesus and Mary, while a really great story, really isn't that far from a fairy tale. So... yeah, I know it's blasphemous, but we all know I'm secretly a Buddhist trapped in a Catholic's body.
On another note, as I get older, I find myself more and more conflicted by the holidays. First, it's commercial. You can say Jesus is the Reason and all of those other catchy sayings but let's get real: if some prophet was really the reason for all of this broo ha ha, wrapping paper would have mangers on it and the Bible section at Barnes and Noble would be wiped out.
I find the story of Santa far more joyous to be perfectly honest...
but here is what does bother me...
As each school year ticks by, I find it harder and harder to find joy in this season when I have so many kids that need so much. I feel guilty...every time...every time...I go to Target and drop 50 bucks I think..."What would (insert child's name here)'s family do with this money?" So at the holidays, it's particularly difficult.
I am so lucky that despite these financial times I have family that has supported my students. Today, mom bought one of my kids a coat and Christmas presents. Tia and Meemaw have bought clothes and other knick knacks. If anything, not only do my kids know they are loved by me, but they know my family loves them too. For 6 hours they are loved and as care free as they can be. I try to remind myself of that.
You can't save them all, but you can't stop your heart from feeling.
Mary's Boy Child- Harry Connick Jr. (I know, I know...sorta contradictory of what I said but I do love the Christmas music)
Got Til It's Gone- Janet Jackson ft. Q-Tip
Miss Independent- Ne-Yo
Baby, I Don't Cry Over You- Billie Holiday
God Only Knows-The Beach Boys

Friday, November 28, 2008


There are so many things I still want...one huge one that I'll put aside for this blog.... instead...I want to take a minute to say what I'm truly thankful for. I have so much...so much....
I'm thankful for..
My Mom- who loves me, unconditionally, and is always my biggest supporter. She's taught me how to be a classy woman, how to give and love, and how to always hold your head up high
J-who has shown me the kind of man I want and deserve, who always has an ear, and gives more of himself than most of us could ever fathom
Nadia- again, who loves me unconditionally, who sees the best in me when I see the very worst, who tells me like it is, even when I might not be ready to hear it, who has shown me that 2 old ladies in rocking chairs reminiscing about 50 years ago is possible...
Ame- Who taught me to love myself first, who gives unconditonally, wants the best for me always, and is the St. Francis of our day
Anna- Her joy is contagious, a friend to the end. How rare it is to find someone who genuinely wants to know about you, and doesn't forget where you've come from
Dawn- always optimistic about my future and makes 4 hour conversations on a couch seem timeless
Kylie- reminds me each day of how amazing this world is
Tia- there is nothing I can't say to her...the perfect combination of tender comment and biting sarcasm when I need it. A confidante who you know loves you deeply
Said- despite the challenges, he reminds me each day how pure children are and how simple words that often go unstated can be the light in your day
Boo- Who is happy to see me. Regardless of the day...
Baskin Robbins- not for the ice cream, but for the robbery. Life is too damn short.
NYC-which makes me feel like I'm really living
Roberta- always genuinely interested in what you have to say
Twilight- which reminded me why I love to read and gives me hours of thoughtless peace.
Lindsay- her cards and heartfelt notes are unexpected and much appreciated surprises.
Dad-the uncanny ability to know a person upon first impression has rubbed off on me and has been one of the greatest gifts
Eharmony- who loves my friend almost as much as I do. Truly genuine...and someone I am lucky to call my friend
The Ex- it was a good run....and I still miss him... I'm thankful for knowing I deserve to be loved
My Ipod- from Billie Holiday to Easy E....it always has what I need
Pak- truly cares and cuddles when you need it. Stronger than she knows...
My Cousin Vinnie- who perseveres, and has a huge heart, and never forgets his roots
Grandad- for the penny hand, pink rubber bouncing balls, crabbing, crabballs, and peanut buter and jelly sandwiches in the living room over the cardboard beer trays with Lays chips. I felt more special than I've ever felt.
Colleen- her calmness is contagious. Who sees all children in the best of light and is the definition of someone who lets their child be who they really are
Norma Jean Baker- we all have big dreams and dark nightmares...but you push on through
Violetta- who is always honest with me...even when I don't want to hear it...and reminds me that I'm worth more than I give myself credit for
Uncle Ron- who talks to me after Tia has gone to bed and makes me feel like I belong there..and who loves me enough to allow me to move in.
Priscilla- who is genuine through and through. such a rare find and I'm lucky to call her my friend
Jae- who I can rely on. For anything. Any time.
Dane Cook- when I need to forget about troubles, there is always DJ Diddles
SATC- Too often do I hear lines that relate to my life playing in my head...and I Will Survive
Weight Watchers- who doesn't judge but celebrates and has given me the tools to know I can do what I set my mind to.
Christopher- always so happy to see me...which always catches me off guard
Absolut- sometimes you need to forget about the day
UMD- for making me my own person, not following someone else's footsteps
Grandma Marion- for making my mom feel loved like one in a million

Life's been good to me...

Oh My Nola- Harry Connick Jr
Live Your Life- T.I.
Michael- Antigone Rising
Fighter- Christina Aguilera
You Better Go Now- Billie Holiday

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Barack to the Future

As I was typing my last blog, the news was shared on TV

It is a great day for America.

I hope for a new country and a new sense of pride.

Black or White
Repub or Dem

Change is necessary!

...looking forward to the next 4 years!

Barack to the Future

It's still early.
There is no new president...yet.
But I felt the need to express my feelings about today.
My vote goes beyond skin color or celebrity endorsement.
It is about a new America.
I think that John McCain is an amazing man. In this election, while I've voted for Obama, I feel as though a new leaf will be turned regardless of the winner. I'm hopeful that CHANGE will occur...but Idon't feel as though it's a crapshoot....which is how I felt in 04.
But we've already made history...and hopefully will continue to make it.
I feel as though I've supported a candidate who speaks to me. A politician in the most positive of senses. Yes, he's still a politician. Yes, there is still room for him to show that he's pulled the wool over our little lamb eyes (as is with ANY vote). But I stand behind my vote. I feel very strongly that he is a man of integrity who can lead this country out of its dark place.
After leaving the polls I felt this overwhelming sense of "Did I make the right choice?" I had doubts... I see the positive in both sides.
But as I cast my vote, I felt a sense of pride and was giddy. My generation spoke up. I did my research. I listened. I ignored the opinion of my family members (who are my role models). I voted with my heart. I voted with that I felt was the best decision for me at this time.
Either way, change needs to happen. This is a pivotal point in our history.
I hear people say that we have so far to go w/race relations...
yet in 50 years...look how far we've come?
We still have a long ways to go...but Jesus..50 years is nothing...and we've come so far.
This election is not about race..
For me it is about two great men ready to change a dark spot in American history.
I feel proud to be a part of this election.
Maybe I'm Pollyannaing out on this one...but I don't think it's about race. I think it's about hope and change and the need to change the status quo.
While I feel blessed to be born in this country (and I never say blessed) I am not the America I know that we should and hope to be.
On another note...
I always feel incredibly sorry for the candidate who is not elected. I know they know it is a possibility but still. Your biggest goal in life comes to this.. That's gotta be incredibly hard.
Regardless of blue and red, you have to acknowledge that McCain has done his service and then some for our country. It is undeniable.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Next step...a cat and a Winnie the Pooh dress!

I have a confession.

I like to paint pottery.

I love it, actually. I've been trying to do some Christmas present painting while doing something I enjoy. I do realize it's a bit of a loser-esque thing to love doing....and while no worries... I don't intend to turn this blog into a rambling list of things I enjoy crafting, I do give all readers full permission to plan an intervention if I am a single teacher who paints pottery, has cats, and wears Christmas sweaters and Winnie the Pooh jumpers.

Here's a few of the things I've painted. I painted the football dish for Jason and the painting didn;'t come out as clean as I'd liked. I also painted the mirror for Kylie and the wine bottle holder for my grandmother. The frame is for my friend who loves her cats and the salsa dish was my very first creation with Nadia. (That's the one I'm most proud of). I also painted a kick ass cup for my auntie but since it's for her birthday and she reads the blog, I'm not at liberty to share...but trust me..it kicks so much butt.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Thing About Break Ups

So I've had some time to contemplate my new status as single. I've come to one big conclusion. When people say, "It's not about you, it's him" that's not true. Because the truth is...it is about you. For some reason, you aren't what they want. So the real trick becomes in reminding yourself that hopefully one day you'll be enough for someone else.
The other thing is the never answered question of "Who were you really dating?" In fact that could be an awesome new game show. In the moments of the break up, something is always revealed that you didn't know before: a fact, a memory, an emotion. Ultimately, you end up questioning who you loved and adored for so long. For me, this has been the hardest part. Generally speaking, I don't have a whole lot of space in my heart for hate. So I don't hate him. And that takes too much energy. Yeah, I'm mildly pissed about how it all went down. But I like to think of him...no, scratch that...need to think of him as a really great person.
It also helps knowing that your big brother still wants to kick anyone's ass who hurts his baby sister...
Gotta Get Thru This- Daniel Beddingfield
Sleeps With Butterflies- Tori Amos
What Goes Around Comes Around-JT
Leave the Pieces-The Wreckers
Movin On- The Kelly Bell Band